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Choral Benedictions (pub. 2016)

A Collection of 24 Choral Benediction composed between 2010-2012 as a response to the limited benediction repertoire. Ranging from motet to contemporary song, each benediction is meticulously composed to include where possible both choir and congregation in exuberant praise to our Lord and King. A number of these benedictions are also doxologies and can be used for purposes other than the closing of the service. Benedictions do not always have to be solemn and slow, but may be a grand culmination to the day's church service or even choral concert proceedings.  

Complete collection available on

Octavo selections available on


* And the peace of God           * Now the God of Patience

* Arise, Shine for thy                * Now the Lord Jesus Christ

   light is come

* Be strong and of a                 * Now the God of Peace

   good courage

* Go in Peace                             * Now the Lord of Peace

* God be Merciful unto Us      * Now unto Him who is able

* Grace and Peace                    * Surely I come Quickly

* Grace to you                           * The grace of our Lord

* Grow in Grace                        * The grace of the Lord

* Let the words of my mouth * The Lord Bless Thee and

                                                        Keep Thee

* Lettest Thou thy Servant      * Think on these things

* May the God of Hope            * Threefold Amen

* May the Lord Watch              * Unto the King Eternal 

   Between Me and Thee 

© 2015-2022 Mikhail Johnson (Johno Muzik Publications).

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